Avedian Counseling Center

Avedian Counseling Center


Pace Yourself

A marathon runner must learn how to pace themselves throughout the race to avoid burnout. Pace yourself is defined as “doing something at a speed that is steady and that allows one to continue without becoming too tired.” There is a constant and steady pace that is sustainable and helps them reach their goal without compromising the race or experiencing extensive injuries. Throughout this race, some will grab a bottle of water on the way to quench their thirst, but

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So You’re Stuck In Bed: Now What?

When you tell a healthy person that you’re sick and stuck in bed, the usual reactions range from,  “I hope you feel better soon,” to, “that sounds like a nice break.” However, when you have a chronic illness, which may include chronic fatigue syndrome or involve chronic pain, staying in bed is not an activity that you can simply choose to stop doing. The comfort and safety of the bed can be necessary for the wellbeing of many individuals experiencing

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Self Care

What is self-care? It is well defined in an article by Raphailia Michael on Psych Central as “any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health..” The key word is DELIBERATELY!! Take a second to think what you have deliberately done to take care of yourself in the past week. You can even write them down. It is embarrassing how we do not prioritize our overall well-being. What does self-care have

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