Avedian Counseling Center

Avedian Counseling Center


Two teen boys playing with toys on a picnic blanket outdoors, one excitedly shouting while the other reaches towards the toys.
Teen Therapist

Personality Disorders in Children 

Personality disorders are complex and often misunderstood conditions that can significantly impact an individual’s life. Diagnosing these disorders in children is particularly challenging due to the dynamic nature of childhood and adolescence, and the potential for misinterpretation of symptoms. 

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Two people sitting on a graffiti-covered ledge in LA, showing only their legs and sneakers, one wearing black and the other white sneakers.
Teen Therapist

Understanding and Addressing Alcohol Use Among Teens

Understanding and Addressing Alcohol Use Among Teens The use of alcohol can have significant impacts on teenagers. The teenage years are a critical period of development, characterized by physical, psychological, and social growth. Alcohol can disrupt natural developmental processes and lead to a range of adverse outcomes. Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances by teenagers. Its use can impair brain development, particularly in areas responsible for learning, memory, and impulse control. The teen brain is still forming

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