Avedian Counseling Center

Avedian Counseling Center


Welcome to our blog. Avedian Counseling Center strives to provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you navigate the complex world of emotional well-being. Whether you’re seeking guidance on managing stress, overcoming depression, or building resilience, our articles are designed to offer expert tips and therapeutic strategies. We aim to support your journey toward a healthier mind and happier life.

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How to Calm Down Anxiety

Anxiety is considered to be the most common mental health issue, with around 31% of adults in the US experiencing symptoms. Despite this, many still have difficulty regulating their anxiety when they feel it activating. Here are some tips that can help to calm anxiety, or even lessen the chances of activating symptoms.

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Woman from behind looking at a sunlit forest in Los Angeles, warm glow around her, capturing a serene moment in nature.

What are 5 signs you have anxiety?

Whereas stress is a natural human response to certain events
and situations, anxiety can significantly disrupt daily life, including the ability to get
adequate sleep. Though symptoms of anxiety will vary from person to person, there are some common signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

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Beauty rising from the chaos – Silver lining of COVID-19

Beauty rising from the chaos – Silver lining of COVID-19 During this very uncertain and strange time in history many people find themselves in a state of confusion, conflict and chaos. Feelings of anxiety, helplessness, and fear are at their all-time high. However, it is our individual responsibility to reframe our perspective during times of crisis and give ourselves and others grace and patience as we ride out the tedious and indefinite task of orders like “shelter in place”. Many

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