Avedian Counseling Center

Avedian Counseling Center


Woman from behind looking at a sunlit forest in Los Angeles, warm glow around her, capturing a serene moment in nature.

What are 5 signs you have anxiety?

Whereas stress is a natural human response to certain events
and situations, anxiety can significantly disrupt daily life, including the ability to get
adequate sleep. Though symptoms of anxiety will vary from person to person, there are some common signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

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Dealing With Unaccomplished Goals

One of the major stressors at this time of the year, is taking stock and realizing the plans we made in the beginning of the year have not been accomplished. This can be discouraging. Instead of focusing on what has not been done; Take time to identify what has been done- celebrate victories, even small ones. Look back and identify if those items on your to-do list are still a priority. If they are still a priority, reevaluate why they

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