Avedian Counseling Center

Avedian Counseling Center


Dr. Sawhne psychiatrist

My Therapist Recommended I See a Psychiatrist. Now What?

Beginning the journey of psychiatric care can be daunting, especially when it comes to considering medication.
Let’s debunk some common myths surrounding psychiatric medications to help ease any apprehensions and empower you to make informed decisions about your mental health treatment.

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Hacking Happy

Hacking Happy When people say, “choose happiness,” it sounds like an unrealistic task. You can’t just decide to be happy and then magically feel rainbows in your heart. However, there is science behind eliciting happy emotions in order to become a happy person. What makes you smile? Do that, and in time you might find yourself feeling happier in general. This is called “Behavior Activation.” When we are in a negative headspace, we tend to self-punish and convince ourselves that

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Depression and Suicide Awareness

Depression and Suicide Awareness September was National Suicide Awareness Month, so I thought it would be important to touch on a very real condition that takes many lives every day. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, “more than 41,000 individuals die by suicide each year.” What we often don’t think about is that the majority of these individuals are suffering from emotional, psychological and/or physical pain…and their pain is real. “Depression is the leading cause of disability in

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