Avedian Counseling Center

Avedian Counseling Center


Welcome to our blog. Avedian Counseling Center strives to provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you navigate the complex world of emotional well-being. Whether you’re seeking guidance on managing stress, overcoming depression, or building resilience, our articles are designed to offer expert tips and therapeutic strategies. We aim to support your journey toward a healthier mind and happier life.

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How to Locate Happiness

How to Locate Happiness By: Destiny Johnson May is Mental Health Awareness Month. During this month reflecting on our mental health and working on our personal growth and happiness is important. Finding one’s happiness can feel like a difficult journey that requires a lot of hard work. I would like to reframe that thinking, and reflection is less about the level of difficulty and more about the intentionality, conscious effort and reaping the reward of having self-reflection. The willingness to

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The Gift of Authenticity

The Gift of Authenticity – Destiny Many people have heard, ” Stay true to yourself ” or ” Just be yourself “. Both are meaningful statements, truly. However, these simple sayings are not easy to act upon. Inherently, we know we can only be ourselves, right, but the world we live in, the media we listen and watch, and even people we know ask us to shape shift and morph into whatever is the most convenient and easier for them

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Tips to Improve Your Sleep

by Emma Ekum, LMFT Poor sleep is connected to several health risks, as mentioned in our previous blog post, Get Better Sleep. Here are some habits you can practice to help yourself get proper sleep and optimize your physical and mental health. Changing even a few of these habits can enhance your quality of sleep, and improve your physical and mental health. For further assistance, the Avedian Counseling Center would be happy to help. Authored by Emma Ekum, LMFT Emma

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The Importance of Proper Sleep

The Importance of Proper Sleep by Emma Ekum, LMFT Have you ever allowed yourself “just one more episode” of a show you are watching, only to find yourself going to bed at that later time the next several nights? It’s easy to slip into bad sleeping habits. Here is some motivation to think twice before getting yourself off track. Proper sleep helps keep our bodies healthy and optimal. Poor quality of sleep, or not enough sleep, can impact us on

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Make the Season Bright

Make the Season Bright There are several sayings used to define this part of the year. Some include, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year”, or “tis the season to be jolly”, etc. However, for many this joyous time can be a difficult time. This season can be extremely triggering for some individuals, bringing up emotions, memories, or anxieties causing the holiday to not feel so cheerful and bright. Feeling of loneliness, abandonment, and even depression can creep in,

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Self Care Gift Guide. 2022

By Emma Ekum “Self-Care Gift Guide 2022” *Almost* as Good as Therapy Gift Guide 2022: Treat Yourself or Someone You Love Avedian Counseling Center can’t stress enough how important practicing self-care can be for your mental health. Self-care is more than just making time for yourself– it is allowing yourself to be present, indulge in some feel-good things, whatever it takes to recharge your internal battery. Though “feel-good things” is subjective, we have compiled a list of of ideas that

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Mentally Preparing for Socializing During the Holidays

Mentally Preparing for Socializing During the Holidays This is the year after COVID where holiday gatherings are back in full swing! If that statement caused some anxious feelings or dread, this blog post is for you. When we had a few quieter years, we may have grown to appreciate the more intimate holiday seasons where there is more grace given for not attending engagements, and you are allowed to slow down and be present. Your internal energy battery and your

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How Does Your Message Land? 

How Does Your Message Land?  Are you aware of how your communication lands when speaking with someone? As we strengthen our emotional intelligence, we gain insight into how we impact those around us.  It’s not uncommon to speak with good intentions and realize that the receiving party has become uncomfortable, so much so that they are defensive.  Reflecting on how a conversation might have escalated when you felt misunderstood is a great way to break your unhelpful communication pattern. When

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Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

We live in a fast-paced, high- stress society, one that highlights constant productivity and achievement. The concept of slowing down and taking a break seems out of the question for many of us.

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Gratitude: Anita

Gratitude   By: Anita What is gratitude? Gratitude is more than a word; it is a belief.  We often hear the word gratitude, but we often don’t understand the real meaning of it. Gratitude means to be thankful. Seems simple, but if that were the case why is gratitude not an integral part of our daily lives? We as humans tend to often focus on the negative aspects of life although positive experiences are happening as well. However, there could

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Crafting from Nature: Anita Avedian

Crafting from Nature: Anita Avedian Nature can provide amazing artistic outlets and brighten up a space. From looking outside your window to integrating plants inside the house. However, what if you don’t have a green thumb or much of a creative bone in your body, if you do well. What is one to do when you still want the esthetic that nature creates in your dwelling? What if you could use elements in nature to create simple works that capture

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Breadcrumbs: A Trail Leading to Nowhere

Breadcrumbs: A Trail Leading to Nowhere Dating and relationships can be complicated enough. Their complexity is heightened further as we try to navigate unhealthy behaviors and confusing terminologies. For example, most of us have heard of “ghosting,” but how about “breadcrumbing”? Learning about it is important so that you can successfully notice and avoid it if it ever happens in your relationships. At its core, breadcrumbing means leading someone on in romance, while having no actual intention to commit. This is

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