Make the Season Bright

Make the Season Bright

There are several sayings used to define this part of the year. Some include, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year”, or “tis the season to be jolly”, etc. However, for many this joyous time can be a difficult time. This season can be extremely triggering for some individuals, bringing up emotions, memories, or anxieties causing the holiday to not feel so cheerful and bright.

Feeling of loneliness, abandonment, and even depression can creep in, getting to the best of us. Unfortunately, when this happens instead of reaching out and finding support, often many people tend to isolate, allowing pessimistic thoughts and feelings to dominate the mind.

During this holiday season it is important that we find support, positivity, a haven of safety in communities with others. Talk with a friend, a family member, a loved one, or a therapist to reduce feelings of isolation. Embrace positivity but acknowledge your feelings with people you trust.

Surrounding ourselves with friends, family, or loved ones that show care and support is a necessity. Having a small or large circle of people that can contribute to bringing joy, laughter, and who you can genuinely be yourself around is the best medicine for negativity. Also, giving back to others during this time can be helpful to combat negative thoughts during this time. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, feed the homeless, help at a toy drive etc. These can be small ways to help others while meeting like-minded people and develop connections.

Therefore, I encourage you, grab a friend, meet someone new, talk with a loved one, and engage this holiday season with optimism, after all it really can be “the most wonderful time of the year” and you can make this season bright.

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